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E content digital text on the topic "Trapezium. "It includes the concepts about trapezium, properties of Trapezium, types of Trapezium and the area of trapezium. Trapezium Objectives • To understand about Trapezium • To understand the properties of Trapezium • To understand different types of Trapezium • To understand the area of Trapezium • To solve real life problem related to the area of Trapezium Trapezium The trapezium is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel opposite side .The parallel sides of a trapezium are called bases and the non parallel sides of a trapezium are called legs.It is also called a Trapezoid. Properties of Trapezium Some important properties of a trapezium are as follows: In trapezium exactly one pair of opposite sides are parallel. The diagonals intersect each other. The non-parallel sides in the trapezium are unequal except in isosceles trapezium. The sum of the interior angle of the trapezium is equal to 360°. The sum of two adj...